5 No-Fail Sports Topics For Academic Research Papers

The subject of sports makes for an ideal paper when it comes to academic writing. Although selecting a topic can be difficult in the first instance, once you have selected your topic, you should find the that you are able to write the paper easily.

Drugs and Steroid Use Within Sports

The use of drugs and steroids can give you a lot of information to write about, whether it is the general everyday use or the use of drugs or famous athletes that have used them.

  • Writers can discuss the negative effects drug have in the sporting world.
  • Long-term ramifications and health problems can also be discussed.
  • The effects of long-term use along with the disadvantages can be another discussion point.

How Media Affects Sports

The media are well suited to many sports, whereas others do not seem to garner the same attention. Topics can include how different sports attract different age ranges and sexes.

  • Writers can discuss how athletes are portrayed as potential role models for today’s youth.
  • Why are some sports more worthy of being televised than others?
  • How the advertising industry performs during sporting events.

Sporting Injuries

Another topic that opens a number of avenues when it comes to writing research papers is sports injuries. The paper could cover many aspects of injuries, including aftercare and prevention.

  • Famous athletes can be cited who have had particularly damaging injuries.
  • How certain injuries are specific to particular sports.
  • The writer may have had a personal experience in sports where they fell victim to an injury.

Sports and Employment

Employment in sports can provide more inspiration for academic research papers. Many viewpoints and discussion points can be looked at.

  • What options are available for successful athletes in sports?
  • What are the options for athletes who may not hold the same celebrity status as others?
  • The writer will be able to research high school athletes and look at sports scholarships.

The History of Sports

History and sports can go in hand in hand when it comes to writing a research paper. Whether you are looking at the history of sport itself or famous sporting events, you can be sure that there is more than enough information to produce some fantastic work.

  • Writers could look at females entering a male-dominated sport and how this changed the way athletes were viewed.
  • A writer can also research famous sporting events and discuss why they are memorable.
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